Full Spectrum Dermatology

Improve Your Complexion Fast with Emergency Acne Treatment

Oct 3, 2016 @ 08:34 AM — by William P. Baugh
Tagged with: Acne Skin Care

Breakouts can happen at the most inopportune time. Whether it's right before your wedding day, a big job interview, or other special event, an acne attack doesn't have to stand in the way of you looking and feeling your best. Emergency acne treatment can help. Dr. William Baugh provides a variety of acne treatment options to improve the complexion and put an end to breakouts. If you require emergency acne treatment, contact Dr. Baugh's Fullerton, CA practice to receive treatment as soon as possible so you can put your best face forward.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a common skin problem caused when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, leading to plugged skin follicles. Acne has many possible causes, including:

Emergency Acne Treatment

Emergency acne treatment consists of a variety of treatments to help reduce the appearance of cysts and other blemishes that need to be immediately addressed. Whatever the reason, emergency acne treatment can help restore the skin's beauty and your confidence.

Candidates for Emergency Acne Treatment

Emergency acne treatment is suitable for most people who are experiencing a breakout and require immediate treatment. Candidates for emergency acne treatment should have relatively healthy skin and suffer from mild acne to more severe cystic acne. Candidates must undergo a skin examination to ensure they are suffering from acne and not a different skin disorder, such as rosacea.

Preventing Future Breakouts

Although Dr. Baugh provides emergency acne treatment, preventing breakouts is preferable. Dr. Baugh offers a variety of acne treatments to address each patient's unique needs. If you suffer from regular breakouts, you may benefit from such acne treatments as:

Don't Let Acne Hold You Back

If you're experiencing an acne breakout that needs immediate attention, we encourage you to contact Dr. Baugh to receive emergency acne treatment or discuss other treatment options.