Full Spectrum Dermatology

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

Sep 30, 2019 @ 11:35 AM — by William P. Baugh
Tagged with: Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted facial hair or body hair can leave you feeling self-conscious. If you’re on a date, at a party, or just going to the gym, this unsightly hair can be mortifying. That explains why so many people in Fullerton, CA visit us for laser hair removal. Dr. William Baugh can help smooth out and clean up your upper lip, chin, jawline, legs, and bikini area with ease.

It’s important that laser hair removal patients at Full Spectrum Dermatology have realistic expectations about the treatment process and the results that can be achieved. With that in mind, let’s look at how laser hair removal works and how long the results of treatment will last.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal uses safe pulses of laser light, channeled from the hair itself down into the hair follicle. The heat from the laser light damages the hair follicle, which prevents hair growth in the process.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Since not all hairs are in the same growth cycle during treatment, multiple sessions are typically required for optimal hair removal results. Between four and eight sessions will be required to achieve all of the treatment benefits. The exact number of sessions you’ll need will depend on a number of factors, including your hair quality, the treatment area, and the pigment of your skin.

The Results of a Laser Hair Removal Session

After several laser hair removal sessions at our Fullerton center, patients will notice a major reduction in hair growth in the treatment area. Patients can be free from hair after a few sessions, which meals less worry about shaving, waxing, and tweezing.

Is Permanent Hair Removal Possible with Lasers?

Permanent hair removal is not currently possible with the technology that currently exists.

It’s important that patients have a realistic understanding of the benefits of laser hair removal as well as its limitations for lasting hair loss.

How Long Laser Hair Removal Results Last

Even though laser hair removal isn’t permanent, the results are long-lasting.

After four to eight hair removal treatments, patients can experience being hair-free in the treatment area for several months. The hair that grows back in the treatment area will be lighter and much thinner than the hair that originally grew in the treatment area, making it less far visible.

Repeat Treatment Can Lead to Longer Lasting Results

In order to make the benefits of laser hair removal last for as long as possible, it’s imperative that patients undergo touch-up treatments every six months to a year. This will remove the fine, light hairs that grow back and ensure months of being hair-free. Consider touch-up laser hair removal as a kind of necessary maintenance to have smooth skin.

Why Pick Laser Hair Removal Rather Than Other Treatments

Even though laser hair removal results only last for several months and requires touch-up, the overall outcomes tend to be preferable to shaving, tweezing, and waxing. You will not need to undergo laser removal sessions as frequently as you would have to shave or wax, and you also don’t run the risk of cuts, razor burn, rough stubble, or in-grown hairs.

Even though laser hair removal is more expensive than shaving and tweezing, the quality of the outcomes and the long-lasting results justifies its cost for many patients.

Learn More About Laser Hair Removal

For more information about laser hair removal and why it may be the right option for your needs, be sure to contact a skilled skin care specialist. You can reach Full Spectrum Dermatology by phone at (714) 879-4312. We look forward to hearing from you.